august, 2018
Event Details
Maurice Steger | recorder & conductor – Blockflöte & Leitung Nadja Zwiener | Baroque violine – Barockvioline Laura Schmid | recorder – Blockflöte Claudius Kamp | Baroque bassoon &
Event Details
Maurice Steger | recorder & conductor – Blockflöte & Leitung
Nadja Zwiener | Baroque violine – Barockvioline
Laura Schmid | recorder – Blockflöte
Claudius Kamp | Baroque bassoon & recorder – Barockfagott & Blockflöte
Daniele Caminiti | theorbo & Baroque guitar – Theorbe & Barockgitarre
Naoki Kitaya | harpsichord – Cembalo
Francesco Turini (ca. 1595 – 1656): Sonata per due canti | Intermezzo ‚E tanto tempo hormai’ | Sonata per due canti e basso ‚Il Corisino’
Francesco Maria Veracini (1690-1768): Sonata a Moll per flauto e basso continuo | Overtura – Allemanda Allegro – Paesana – Largo – Giga ‘Il Postiglione’
Minuè del Maestro Francesco Ceracchini (1804, Musica veglia in Engiadina) | La Maratona – Polka, Noraggio (TI) da Amleto Dellea | Mazurka di Stabio (TI) da Andrea Pellegrini (traditionelle Volksmusik aus dem Tessin)
Theodorus Schwartzkopff (1659-1732): Sonata in g per flauto, fagotto e basso | Allegro – Bourée – Aria – Aria con variazioni
Rondo e Air del Maestro Francesco Ceracchini (1804, Musica veglia in Engiadina) | La Bergamasca (aus der Salis Handschrift von 1681 und von Marco Uccellini)
Benjamin Britten (1913-1976): Alpine Suite (Pièce écrite par Britten, en 1956, lors d’un séjour en Suisse ,pour occuper le temps d’une amie s’étant cassée la jambe) für Blockflötentrio | Arrival at Zermatt | Swiss clock | Nursery slopes | Alpine scene | Down the piste | Farewell to Zermatt
Antonio Caldara (1670 – 1736): Chiacona a tre in B-Dur
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767): Suite aus der Klingenden Geographie | Vereinigte Alpenregionen | Entrée (TWV55:C2,4) | Oberitalien | Sarabande (TWV 55:D9,6) | Bayern | Rondeau (TWV55:d1,5) | Air à l’Italien | Doucement (TWV55:B2,4) | Französisch Savoyen | Viste (TWV55:fis 1,4) | Air à l’Italien | Allegro (TWV55:F6,4)
One can always count on Maurice Steger (flauto dolce) to offer a colorful and original concert programme. Riding on the theme of this year’s Festival, he has put together a brilliant collection of Alpine works for flauto dolce, digging up rare pages from the Baroque (such as the voyage from Italy to Bavaria by Telemann), but also pearls from folk music from the Swiss Canton of Tessin as well as an “Alpine Suite” by Benjamin Britten written during a stay in Switzerland in 1956… “to fill the time while recovering from a broken leg”!
Tickets from 65 to 125 CHF |
(Friday) 19:30
Zweisimmen (CH), Kirche
Evangelisch Reformierte Kirche, Kirchgasse, 3770 Zweisimmen
Zweisimmen (CH), KircheEvangelisch Reformierte Kirche, Kirchgasse, 3770 Zweisimmen