june, 2015
Event Details
Maurice Steger | Blockflöte & Leitung | recorder & direction Céline Pasche | Blockflöte | recorder Fiorenza de Donatis | Violine | violin Monika Baer | Violine | violin Daniele Caminiti |Theorbe & Chitarrone
Event Details
Maurice Steger | Blockflöte & Leitung | recorder & direction
Céline Pasche | Blockflöte | recorder
Fiorenza de Donatis | Violine | violin
Monika Baer | Violine | violin
Daniele Caminiti |Theorbe & Chitarrone | theorbo & chitarrone
Mauro Valli | Violoncello | cello
Margit Übelacker | Psalterium | dulcimer
Sebastian Wienand | Cembalo | harpsichord
VENEZIA 1625 – Sonate, Sinfonie, Ciaccone, Canzone e Toccate von Marco Uccellini, Giovanni Battista Fontana, Dario Castello, Tarquinio Merula, Antonio Caldara u.a.
Venedig 1625: Die Dogenstadt ist eines der künstlerischen Zentren Europas. In der Cappella San Marco ist eine äußerst originelle Instrumentalmusik dabei, sich von allen Fesseln der polyphonen Vokaltradition zu befreien. Die Ära der barocken stravaganze hat begonnen!
VENEZIA 1625 – Sonate, Sinfonie, Ciaccone, Canzone e Toccate by Marco Uccellini, Giovanni Battista Fontana, Dario Castello, Tarquinio Merula, Antonio Caldara a.o.
Venice, 1625: the city of the doges is one of the principal artistic centres of Europe. At the Cappella San Marco, a profoundly original style of instrumental music is in the process of discarding all reference to the tradition of vocal polyphony. The era of Baroque stravaganze has begun! Now, in the hands of a supreme master of the recorder, this ultra- virtuosic art acquires a new lease of life.
Informationen und Tickets: http://www.theatersg.ch/spielplan/venezia-1625
(Tuesday) 19:00 - 21:00
Kirche St. Laurenzen
St. Galler Festspiele