Welcome to Ittingen Charterhouse!

Welcome to Ittingen Charterhouse!

We would like to extend a warm welcome to the world-renowned, Zurich-based recorder player Maurice Steger as he assumes the role of artistic director of the Ittinger Whitsun Concerts 2018. He has invited top class musical friends to once more create a unique Chamber Music Festival in the beautiful ambience of Ittingen Charterhouse. The historical buildings, idyllic gardens with the scent of roses, the museums and the cosy restaurants offer the perfect setting for an unforgettable stay. We are looking forward to this wonderful complete package!

Stiftung Kartause Ittingen (Ittignen Charterhouse Foundation) and Hochuli Konzert AG

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear music lovers,

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the Ittinger Whitsun Concerts 2018. This year’s edition will combine various musical styles and influences and will be held under the theme of “Ostwind” (Easterly winds), a veritable melting pot of encounters with people and with music, all of which takes place in the distinctive atmosphere of Ittingen Charterhouse.

To that end, the Thurgovian musician Johannes Keller will be showcasing the sounds of a 17th-century harpsichord, and the highly acclaimed Pavel Haas Quartet from Prague will be adding to the programme’s musical mix with romantic musical pieces and eastern spirit. The exceptional violinist Katharina Heutjer will be playing Bach and Handel on her Baroque violin; she will also be joined by the most excellent La Cetra Barockorchester Basel, which will also be ensemble-in-residence. I am particularly excited about the many programme offerings of this inspiring ensemble.

It gives me pleasure to surprise you time and again with unexpected sounds. The night will be multifaceted in musical terms – the atmospheric soundscape created by the Japanese composer Toshio Hosokawa will form part of it, as will Schönberg’s VerklĂ€rte Nacht (Transfigured Night) or die Geister bei Sig. Vivaldi. In this context, I would also like extend a warm welcome to my musical friends, the versatile pianist Sebastian Wienand; the Italian organic farmer and unmistakable Baroque cellist Mauro Valli; the Catalan soprano Nuria Rial; dance master Stephan Mester and the wonderful oboist Xenia Löffler.

We all look forward to seeing you there, to interesting encounters and to the concerts, which we shall be organising for our guests with great enthusiasm and easterly winds!

Warm regards, Maurice Steger

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